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Crashed Car


While we do our best to always offer same-day appointments and test results within minutes during normal business hours, we understand that sometimes you need testing services at odd hours.

  • This is especially true in instances when you need to screen for very recent alcohol consumption or drug usage.


  • Waiting too long, can present problems and can even make it impossible to determine if an individual ingested drugs or alcohol.

When you need to determine how an accident occurred, or whether or not drugs/alcohol led to an incident, this is crucial.

Our Tests
Post-Accident Drug & Alcohol Testing

At TestFirst, we offer afterhours drug and alcohol testing to accommodate employers, legal professionals, and others who need immediate testing services—and instant results.










Our phone lines are open 24/7 to assist you, even if you simply need to schedule regular testing during non-business hours.


To learn more, please get in touch with us today at (346) -274-1188

Call to speak with a staff member today.

  • When an accident occurs and you need to determine if drugs or alcohol were partially to blame, timing is of the essence.


  • We understand the sensitive nature of these issues, which is why all of our testing services are completely confidential and the privacy of our clients is always honored.

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